Design Auto Biography

Jasmine Mason


Design Autobiography



It’s is actually amazing as to all of the materials, objects, spaces, building, and places that eventually lead to my decision to come to the university of Kentucky. The influences from all of these areas that led me to enrolling in the university of Kentucky are actually still pretty influencing and the influence of the designs have been a big trigger to my imagination and design processes. have always been the one to be highly interested in natural and how beautiful it truly is. As I child I wasn’t the one to want to run through the middle of the forest and observe the sight however I was often fascinated by the beautiful park setups. Usually, younger children don’t often go to playgrounds and notice the design of the park however that was a huge attention catcher for me. It gave me ideas at such a young age; how I would want my swing set to be in the back yard one day, noticing a new type of chair swings and incorporating it into my doodles.    In Louisville, Kentucky, my hometown, we have a park called the Waterfront Park. It’s a pretty big down town attraction with multiple playgrounds and a great site of the Ohio River.  My grandmother used to take me and my cousins there over the summer to run through the water sprinklers, have a picnic, and listen to music.

    Of the many years of drawing and sketching, music was always a big part of that. It’s calmed me and soothed my mind. When I first got a boom box I was so enthused. At the time it was a new radio and boom boxes where in however the designs continues to change and I continued to upgrade. As a matter of fact I was able to design my own radio in high school for a project and this was actually a reason I became interested in design. How things change but for the better, the reformation of design over time and how it is most user sufficient. After creating this new design and presenting it to my class, I was in love with how fascinated and impressed people were by my ideas and thoughts. As a matter of fact my radio design was eventually transformed into a mobile phone.    At the time, MP3 phones where in and everyone either wanted or had one. The designs of these phones have changed so much overtime, not, not only do they play music but they take pictures, record, used a Tv and radio remotes and more. Every year a new phone comes out and every year I want that newer design. The design of mobile phones have enable society to do literally everything they would do on a daily but using a lot let gas (to pay bills), a light source in hand, and more.

    Like the design of the mobile phone has significantly changed over time and has influenced me in many ways, they design of interior automobile spaces have significantly changed too. I went through many phases of things I liked to draw between cartoons and animals go faces, places, and spaces. I started drawing car interiors and motorcycles. I wanted to figure out what I could do differently. Because I was at such a young age, many of my drawings were unrealistic and simply impossible but this is what got my imagination going. I am still able to used some of those crazy ideas in designs today, just a little more realistic and better thought out.


The beauty of parks, the high tech phones and radio designs, cars and etc are all influences on my thoughts of design however design doesn’t only exist in places. What about fashion? Before I was set on architecture and interior design I was interested in fashion design. I am a big fan on clothing and costume design. Actually I attended about performing arts school where I majored in design and projection, costume design being my key area. This is where I realized all of the great things you could do with materials that don’t only have to apply to clothing. Let’s take blue jean for example blue Jean is in Costume design, fashion design and interior design.

    My desire to draw and recreate the all above are not the only reasons I am here. When colleges advertise their selves, sports and academics are huge attractions but what about dorms? When I first applied for colleges I looked at dorms and the quality. The design of dorms are getting better and better in my eyes and are improving for the better. Not only for visual attraction but also for the comfort of the user and environment. Excited for dorm life for the first time and the set up of my home away from home led me to attend UK.


All of these examples are influence of what led me to the university of Kentucky because the altering design changes overtime of all of the things previously mention are what really caught my we growing up. These designs and how they change are all what keep my creativity going. I believe I was introduced to things objects and places for a reasons therefore I wouldn’t be where I am today.


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